Saturday, January 15, 2005

Life Lessons

I like to quote people. Specifically characters from books, hence, this blog. I kind of like to hope sometimes, though, that someday I'll say something inspirational that people will take to heart and maybe tell to others. This may or may not be it, but here goes:

"Everybody needs a Laurie in their life...and a Sam too."

Now you're probably scratching your head and saying, "Huh? Juli, I think you've lost it." Seriously though, everybody needs a Laurie in their life...and a Sam too. Let me explain.

I have a co-worker named Laurie and I have another friend also named Laurie. These two ladies have taught me so much about myself - who and what I want to be. They have both inspired me, made me laugh, and shared with me words of wisdom that have stuck with me and changed my life. God has used both of these ladies in big ways in my life. I'm sure they will never know how instrumental they have been in my life because I'm not sure I could ever find the words to tell them. Still, I would not be who I am today if it weren't for each of their influences.

"Okay," you're probably saying, "but what's with the part about 'a Sam too'?" I'm referring to the character of Sam from the Lord of the Rings movies and books. Sam stuck with Frodo on his journey. He walked beside Frodo to keep him company. He walked behind Frodo to give him support and at the end of the movie (not finished with the books, so can't speak to those) Sam helped Frodo in his struggle to the top of the mountain. True, there were others who shared Frodo's journey or carried out tasks elsewhere that gave Frodo time to complete his journey and carry out his task, but Sam is the one who stuck by him through the whole quest and never (or almost never) left his side. (click here for more thoughts on Lord of the Rings )

My husband is my Sam. Everytime I'm convinced I can't do something, he's always there to tell me "Yes you can." Without him, I'm sure there are many things on which I would have given up. I'm curious, are you, like me, lucky enough to have a Laurie (or two) in your life...and a Sam too?